Week in Review

Posted on June 13, 2009
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The drywall crew has been here for three days and they have completed installation for all of the interior walls and most of the mudding and taping. It is so cool to see all of the rooms defined.


Sunny corner of the kitchen.


The fireplace was installed on Wednesday.

The basement floor is finished. Our basement windows arrived earlier in the week—they’ll be in place next week.

Basement floor

Basement floor and basement windows in their packaging.

We knew that we wanted to go with blue for the exterior paint color, but weren’t sure exactly which blue. Our painter, Mark, gave us three different paint sample books to look at, each of them about two inches thick. That’s a lot of paint colors.

Given that each little paint sample is about the size of an address label, it’s kind of difficult to look at a color and imagine what it will look like when it’s covering a two-story house. To help us make a decision, Mark painted some larger samples on the front and the back of the house, where we could see how the colors look in sunlight and in shade.

Blue hues

A range of blue hues.

Our architect, the construction crew, neighbors, and passers-by have been happy to offer their opinions. Dan from the crew wondered whether we were planning to paint the entire house in blue stripes. Although this would make the house easy for visitors to identify, we’ve decided to go with a solid color.

Which one will we choose? Tune in next week to find out…


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